Friday, May 6, 2011

A little look at what I've been up to lately...

crafts! and baking! Yay! :)

Finally the pillows on our couch match (yes I think those prints "match")

Since my sister Emilee just got her passport (and is on her way to Japan right now!) I thought she needed something cute to show it off in.

The other day I was going to a baby shower and I like to wrap gifts in something they can use again so I whipped up a lil' bag with a car on it.

Me and my siblings love watching all those cake decorating shows and stuff so we decided it'd be fun to go crazy on some cakes... Just incase you were wondering mines in front then its Lydia's, Emilee's, Jojo's, and Becca's!

Then for easter at my parents I made Peanut butter cupcakes with just a little buttercream frosting and then honey in the center. I'm not gonna lie they were way too amazing! I love peanut butter and honey together!

So yup, that's just a little of what I've been doing lately.

Now I've just got to think of what to craft up next... :)

xoxo, hannah

Saturday, February 12, 2011

a little update on the married life...

On the 21 me and my wonderful husband will have been married for 6 months...before I know it we'll have been married a year. :)

A few of our favorite things...

Who doesn't love the orange chicken from trader joes? we make sure we always have some in our freezer for a delicious and super easy dinner. yum.

Of course Brandon has quite a few video games he likes to play but I decided we needed one that we could both enjoy I picked out the toy story 3 video game. so fun! :)

I'm not a huge game person but brandon love a good game so I've found a few I really enjoy playing and blokus is one of those! even if brandon always wins :)

One thing we are always reminded of and so aware of is how important keeping God at the center of our marriage is. We love being able to spend time in the word and in prayer together.

We'll I hope everyone has a wonderful valentines day filled with lots of love &hearts

Mrs Rodriguez

Thursday, October 21, 2010

a little bit of life...

Sorry for the lack of blogging since the wedding but we dont have internet at our casa so whenever we do go somewhere to go online blogging is pretty much the last thing i think of. So since it has been so long here is a little update of the married life...

for our one month anniversary we saved a piece of our cheesecake from the tasty even after being in the freezer for a month! :)

Since we live right down the street from rite aid our weakness is thrifty ice cream! what can i say it is amazing...

Ever since fall started and especially since the weather has been nice and chilly I've been craving my favorite pumpkin cookies so I finally got around to making some! and let me tell you they are just as delicious as i remember.

this last sunday we got the chance to go to a 49ers game! It was very fun (well after the rain let up and i wasnt freezing and wet anymore :)) and they won which of course made it that much better! Our seats were only about 7 rows back from the field on the 30yrd line so it was awesome!


Mrs. Rodriguez

p.s. sorry about the bad quality photos my camera battery died and i cant find the charger so for now its all cell phone pictures

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our little date day.

Last tuesday we both had the day off work so we made it a fun little day of getting somethings done. We filled out some applications for appartments that we've been looking into, we picked out Brandon's tux for the wedding (he's gonna look so handsome), walked around slo for a bit, then went out to eat!

perfect start to a wonderful day is Coffee and Company (we love you Candice!)

Brandon's burger was huge!

In the way of wedding plans they've been coming together so smoothly. Me and my mom went to michaels the other day and stocked up on wedding decorations. Also I found what were going to put our unity candle in! In the mail the other day I got part of the center pieces for the tables. And then on tuesday I have my dress fitting! This has been the most non-stressful wedding planing I am so blessed.

Since Brandon hates pictures and wouldn't show of his shades with me here are my new blingin' shades...there kind of amazing. :)

54days and I'll be Mrs. Rodriguez!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The other day me and my mom were shopping and came across the most amazing cookbook I've probably ever seen. It's a frame by frame cookbook and its full of beautiful pictures and lots of delicious looking food!

So I tried out one of the recipes tonight and let me tell you it was even more delicious then I expected.

Sponge Layer Cake.

I love baking.

(the almost)
Mrs. Rodriguez

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Grandma Marsha

On tuesday Brandon took me over to his Grandma Marsha's house because he was taking out the tinting in her car windows and as payment for him asked his grandma if she would give me some fabric for wedding stuff etc. So we went over and while he worked hard me and grandma went through her (millions) of tubs of fabric. It was so fun!

this is all the fabric i got for now she kept asking if i wanted more but i think this will keep me busy for awhile :)

some of my favorites she had a tub of 30's fabric which i pretty much could have taken the entire tub it was so adorable...

and then my favorite two! I love the yellow one and will have to pick out something special to use it for at my wedding. The deer idea what I'll use it for but it was way to cute to not get!

Then she had a basket full of ribbon she said she never uses so she just grabbed a bag and dumped it in there for me...I love ribbon on everything so that will be so fun...

I am so excited about it all and I cannot wait to get started on projects!

(the almost)
Mrs. Rodriguez

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Normal life went on pause over the last couple days when I went camping with my family in refugio. I think everyone needs to take time out to go get away from everything and have time to just relax without the tv on or your ipod. Its so refreshing and I've come home ready to take on everything with a fresh mindset. It felt amazing to not think about work or think about whats next with wedding planing but just sit back and relax and spend quality time with my family.

heres a little peek into our days...

(the almost)
Mrs. Rodriguez